How to wear your Hendaia Bandeau

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 0 comments

Given that it's the rainy season people assume that you need to put aside your swimwear for next summer. With Cesa you can wear your swimwear all year around. How? With a bit of imagination, a measure for style and a pinch of attitude. Let me show you some fun ways in which you can wear cesa's Hendaia Bandeau.  

Kim wears her Hendaia Bandeau with a pair of jean shorts and a leather jacket and some fun colored sneaks to show of her personal style which is young and edgy:) 

For those of you who are more conservative, you can actually wear the bandeau like a tube top to expose the print or add some layer and texture to your clothing. I layer the bandeau with a designer polo top and tailored blouse and a pair of blue jeans to give it that casual but sophisticated look:)

Wear your bandeau to best fit your style and occasion and always have fun with it:)

Hendaia Bandeau

Hendaia Bandeau (SB005) 1500 
Reversible pleated on the back and floral print on the front. The back is tied like a ribbon and the bra pads are removable. The bottom is a normal bikini.

*Double lined with spandex.

*Color: Front: Floral (photo) Back: Pleated Black

*Size: XS, S, M

Photography: Inna Cristobal and Madeline

MUA: Jireh De Jose
Model: Kim Mangrobang and Hanna de los Reyes
Styling: Hanna de los Reyes And Guia Alvendia

To order, click here


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